"Prices of small apartments and condo units (up to 506 sq ft) islandwide climbed 0.8 per cent in May - against April's one per cent decrease. Year-on-year, the drop is 3.1 per cent. This is the smallest decrease of the four indices." ... "For example, take URA's Core Central Region (CCR), which most observers are very negative about. In May, the average transacted resale price for units 70 sq metres and below, actually went up 6.9 per cent year-on-year. It is only for units larger than 70 square metres (753.47 sq ft) that recorded a 5.4 per cent price decline." Published July 01, 2014 NUS price index for private homes up 0.8% in May Increase marks first gain for Overall SRPI after 9 consecutive months of declines By Kalpana Rashiwala @KalpanaBT NATIONAL University of Singapore's (NUS) price indices for completed non-landed private homes rose month on month in...